Controlling the atmosphere within your greenhouse can be a daunting task. There are so many variables and external weather patterns that have become increasingly dynamic in recent times, which don’t make this any easier. Control and labour systems from AIS Greenworks for climate, irrigation and staffing control can be tailor made to suit your greenhouse requirements and design.
Integrated computerised systems can be linked to the plant’s temperature and light (PAR) sensors can control ventilation, cooling, heating, energy consumption, irrigation cycles and more. What makes this even more vital to the modern greenhouse is the fact that it does all this consistently and precisely – day after day, crop after crop, giving you peace of mind.
Higher yields and increased crop quality are just two of the benefits. Reduced wastage and better reporting round out the reasons why an investment in automated climate and irrigation control can have your greenhouse outperforming your competitors.
Contact us for more information.
Based on the professional growers’ needs for higher accuracy and reliability in monitoring water content (WC), electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature in substrates – AIS Greenworks source and work closely with manufacturers of high quality systems.
We can help you monitor your substrate to ensure essential information you receive is up to date, easy to obtain and reliable to provide optimum return on investment of the equipment and your ongoing crop. One of the big advantages to automating this process is the ease of controlling the consistency of delivery across your greenhouse when it is linked to climate and irrigation automation systems.
Contact us for more information.
Motor control units are essential in a modern greenhouse. AIS Greenworks is committed to ensuring the reliability and simplicity of switching and/or controlling the motors for ventilation, screening, pumps, mixers, and fans occurs with reliability that you can count on.
For example, if you have single or 3-phase motor for opening and closing windows and screens, we have systems that can operate both manually and automatically as part of the complete system.
More than one motor to control from one unit? Not a problem, we can provide a solution to fit your needs.
Contact us for more information.
In recent years, operations control has developed in leaps and bounds. With industry standards constantly rising and the need for high quality produce from demanding customers at reduced prices, results and ROI can be achieved by using one or many of the systems available in the market today.
Most of our customers however prefer to consult with AIS Greenworks for a complete solution. This can entail complete communications to motor control units, MC and EC sensors, flow sensors, valves, climate sensors and more. We can always tailor a solution to our customers’ requirements. In addition, we can also integrate greenhouse temperature monitoring systems for the internal climate and the plants themselves. This coupled with CO2, irrigation and PAR Light sensors allow a full spectrum of control over your greenhouse.
If it is labour control you are after, we can integrate this into the one system as well – and even more!
Contact us for more information.
The purpose of labour and productivity control is two-fold. Firstly, to ensure that the workforce you have is working at their potential by minimising risk, reducing repetitive tasks, setting targets and base performance indicators and ensuring morale is high. Secondly, for you, the grower, it is important to automate as many processes as possible to ensure efficiency and reduced cost.
Our range of products fulfils both of these requirements, and finding the best solutions to your needs is paramount in gaining an outcome you may not even know exists yet.
Contact us for more information.